Jose Tovar

I enjoy developing and designing websites
that are modern and visually appealing.
I specialize in Front End Development.
Check out some of my projects below!

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Orbitir is a space travel landing page. The objective was to create a sleek one page design layout with numerous sections such as a mobile view, low orbit, spacecraft information, etc.


Defend your companion from enemy viruses. Unload a barrage of hand sanitizer projectiles, a viruses worst enemy. The game has no limit and no winning effect to signify the ongoing endless battle against COVID-19.


Treezu is a nature-inspired landing page. It includes different feature sections such as reservations, popular camping sites, and much more.

Weather App

A weather app that showcases a variety of items. After inputting a city, at the top you'll receive the city name, temperature, etc. All in a soft gradient and easy to navigate layout.

Interested in getting to know me better? Feel free to reach out and connect!
